Liens Externes
- Active Choices Plugin - Jenkins - Jenkins Wiki
- AnsiColor Plugin - Jenkins - Jenkins Wiki
- Build Flow Plugin - Jenkins - Jenkins Wiki
- Build Flow Plugin and artifacts management in the DSL - Google Groupes
- Build With Parameters Plugin - Jenkins - Jenkins Wiki
- Create a Continuous Integration Pipeline with GitLab and Jenkins
- Dynamic Parameter Plug-in - Jenkins - Jenkins Wiki
- email ext - Jenkins: Add deployed artifacts to mail-ext template - Stack Overflow
- Example for a full blown Jenkins pipeline script with multiple stages, input steps, injected credentials, heroku deploy, sonarqube and artifactory integration, multiple Git commit statuses, PR merge vs branch build detection, REST API calls to GitHub deployment API, stage timeouts, stage concurrency constraints, ...
- Executing a shell/python command in Jenkins Dynamic Choice Parameter Plugin
- Extended Choice Parameter plugin - Jenkins - Jenkins Wiki
- How to get a list of installed jenkins plugins with name and version pair? - Stack Overflow
- jenkins extended parameter plugin groovy script - Stack Overflow
- NodeLabel Parameter Plugin - Jenkins - Jenkins Wiki
- Role Strategy Plugin - Jenkins - Jenkins Wiki
- Simple Theme Plugin - Jenkins - Jenkins Wiki
- Uno Choice Plugin - Jenkins - Jenkins Wiki
- Changelog
- Jenkins 2 et ses pipelines - Beastie Furets
- Améliorer le DevOps avec Jenkins Pipeline - 1 | Antoine Choimet | Pulse | LinkedIn
- Comparaison des outils CI / CD: Jenkins, GitLab CI, Buildbot, Drone et Concourse | SUPINFO, École Supérieure d'Informatique
- Une introduction à l'intégration, à la livraison et au déploiement continus | SUPINFO, École Supérieure d'Informatique
- CMake Tutorial | CMake
Pages de Catégorie:Intégration